State Fishing Regulations
Fishing regulations are used as a tool to ensure good fishing exists into the future. The Department has used different types of fishing regulations to:
control angler impacts on fish populations;
maintain numbers and sizes of fish in a lake or stream;
provide different types of fishing experiences, such as fishing for dinner or for a trophy fish; and
make access to fishing as fair as possible.
Read all fishing regulations here. |
Boating Regulations |
Keep the fun on the water coming -- whether it's a fishing boat, a canoe, or a personal watercraft that "floats your boat."
Operator inexperience, inattention, recklessness, and speeding are the four leading causes of tragic watercraft crashes and the leading cause of death is drowning.
Crash statistics indicate boaters who wear life jackets and take boater safety courses are most likely to stay safe on Wisconsin waters.
Read all boating regulations here. |
Hunting Regulations |
This pamphlet gives you a summary of Wisconsin’s important deer hunting
laws and how they affect you; it is not a complete set of all the huntingrelated laws.
Read all hunting regulations here.
ATV Regulations |
All-terrain vehicle and utility terrain vehicle riding is a growing sport in Wisconsin. Along with the privilege of enjoying the sport comes the responsibility of making sure you are operating these vehicles safely and responsibly. ATV and UTV operators born on or after Jan. 1, 1988 who are at least 12 years old for ATV(and at least 16 years old for UTV) must complete an ATV and UTV safety certification course in order to operate on public ATV/UTV trails and areas in Wisconsin. DNR Conservation Wardens recommend all ATV and UTV operators complete a safety course.
Read atv regulations here. |