Our Organization
Helping to preserve, protect and defend the quality, safety and natural beauty of Lake Arbutus.
Lake mapping and water quality study
Kids Don’t Float Life Jackets – First 4 in Wisconsin
Got law changed so we would not be liable to put hazard buoys out
Funded and put 17 hazard buoys on Lake Arbutus
Raised funds to put AED Defibrillators in all Hatfield Businesses
Got grant from the DNR to put Fire Hazard signs at all entrances int the Hatfield Area
Working with Clark County to reduce sediment, nitrogen and phosphorus coming into Lake Arbutus
Sponsored the 100 Dam Year anniversary of the Hatfield Dam
Paid for the fence enclosure for the aluminum for Fireworks fund
Purchased 2 Gumby Water Rescue Suits for the Hatfield Fire Department
Contributed to the Hatfield Handicapped Fishing Pier and Restroom
Worked with the Federal Government to correct flood plain high water calculations to eliminate need for Flood Plain Insurance
Helped fund several shoreline restoration projects
Did water clarity study of Lake Arbutus and incoming tributaries
Provided the flagpole at the Dewhurst Town Hall
Helped lake members with tree restoration after 2009 tornado
Worked with Emergency Management from Clark and Jackson County to establish protocol during extreme weather events
Purchased weather radios to resell to members at a reduced cost
Installed and maintain an information sign in Hatfield
Clark County Land Conservation Matt Zoschke County Conservationist
Ice Safety Mark Smith Association Member, (City of La Crosse Firefighter/La Crosse Dive Team)
Law Enforcement from Jackson and Clark County
Fire Wise/DNR/Merrilan Fire Chief
Clark County Planning, Zoning, Survey and Land Information Steve Kunze Administrator